Aug 31, 2010

Estadio, andale andale

For PB's birthday we went to a newish Spanish tapas restaurant called Estadio that was soooo good, I had to share some pictures. We started with 2 very delicious cocktails. I ordered a drink with tequila, cava, grapegruit and rosemary (very artfully floating) called a tecolate. The orange drink below is called a slushie and this one had quince, paprika, lemon, sherry and scotch in it. It was one of those drinks where you experience each flavor one after the other.

Then we had a bunch of little pintxos. The chorizo, manchego, pistachio and quince paste skewers were definitely our favorite. We were also super big fans of their octopus with a potato caper salad. Is there anything a caper cannot do? Have you ever had the super huge capers that are in pods? So good. But, for the record, my favorite octopus of all time is at Liberty Tavern.
But the real super star of the meal is the hanger steak with cherry tomatoes, pesto, and fried carrots . I can not emphasize enough how wonderful it was. Blair even literally said " this is the best steak I've ever had," and believe me, he's had a few. I will also say that they play the best restaurant music ever: talking heads, joy division, new order, the cure.

1520 14th Street NW (Logan Circle)

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